ATLAS has updated its virtual tour feature with leads scoring and grading. But what is it really? Take a quick look at our newest innovation.
ATLAS Activity Tracker
Activity Tracker is one of the tools you can find in ATLAS Virtual Tour. This technology helps your sales and marketing teams in tracking new leads from the visitors.
But how exactly does it work?
ATLAS would trace the journey of every visitor in a virtual tour. Thus, our clients are able to check what their users do inside the tour. For instance, you can check which room a user visits, what kind of content they click, and how they interact with any other feature inside the virtual tour.
Moreover, ATLAS would also count all time sessions of a user. Meaning, you would know how long a user spends their time walking around your virtual tour.
The information could further help your sales and marketing team to determine whether a user is qualified for a lead according to your marketing formula. Thus, the team can follow the leads to make a conversion, all based on the data we gather.
A Study Case: How ATLAS Provide Quality Leads
When visitor A visits your business virtual tour, you would get complete data about how visitor A spent his time in your virtual tour. The data includes:
The visiting time or duration
The frequency of the visits
The room and the products he clicks
This information would be stored at the ATLAS dashboard. So, your sales and marketing team can use the data for conversion.
For example, if visitor A visits your VR 5 times a week and spends their time clicking product B. Your marketing team can follow the lead by approaching visitor A via email or number they submit before. Thus, generating sales would be easier as your business can follow quality leads.
Book a G-Meet demo here: https://atlasvirtual.id/#contact
To learn more about the ATLAS REALITY virtual tour solution, please contact CS at vanesa@atlasreality.co.id