At M Bloc Space in South Jakarta on Friday (5/8/2022), Metaverse will establish a "cafe" with a unique idea by showcasing the work of Indonesian innovators in the form of Augmented Reality (AR). The #Menujumetaverse Cafe has a total of 20 different game AR effects and 10 different art displays.
Creators working inside the Metavolution with Spark AR initiative are responsible for the augmented reality impact.
Beginning in the month of July, the Metavolution program is a form of partnership between the companies Metaverse and Hacktiv8. It takes the shape of a competition as well as training for SparkAR developers in Indonesia. There were around 500 individuals who signed up for this program, but only 50 of them progressed to the bootcamp level and participated in it for the whole month.
At the launch of #Menujumetaverse Cafe on Friday (5/8/2022) at M Bloc Space in Jakarta, the Director for Meta, Pieter Lydian, along with VR/AR Program Manager, APAC, Meta Trimikha Valentius and Hacktiv8 President Vicky Riana scanned barcodes on art installations to play Augmented Reality (AR) effects. The 'Cafe' first opened its doors during August 5 and 7, 2022.
The event included a total of ten installations, each of which contained a story authored by an Indonesian content producer. Stories contributed by Magdalena Fridawati (the creator of cuisine), Clarissa Putri (the creator of beauty), Anastasia Siantar (the creator of fashion shoes), Indra Jegel (the creator of humor), and Luthfi Halimawan are woven together to form the narrative (gaming creator).
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