
”Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy

Category : Market Insight

The Power of Virtual Reality Tours in Real Estate Industry

by ATLAS Reality Posted in ATLAS Update

Real estate agents know a critical part of the home buying and selling process is the open house.But before reaching out to the agent , research said that 92% of prospective home buyers usually research on the internet first.Most customers check online before coming to ...

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No Exhibition? No Worries , Try Virtual Showroom - Your New Immersive Interactive Marketing Solution.

by ATLAS Reality Posted in ATLAS Update

Shifting to the world of online has been a force major in the past two years. At the first time, businessmen were stuck on the ideas of how to market their products, but as time goes by, plenty of offers can be considered. One of them is to create a virtual showroom...

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