
”Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy

Category : Market Insight

VR and AR : Implementation for Education Industry

by ATLAS Reality Posted in ATLAS Update

In Fantastic Voyage, the sub and its personnel shrunk to the level of a cell to extract a blood clot from a scientist's brain. The science fiction film explores humanity's urge to explore regions beyond our physical capabilities. Students in primary schools are doing th...

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VR and AR : Implementation for Real Estate Developer Industry or Property Owner

by ATLAS Reality Posted in ATLAS Update

"90 percent of all billionaires become millionaires via real estate ownership," said Andrew Carnegie, the richest person of the early twentieth century. That statement has a lot of truth, albeit we would alter the term "ownership" to "trading." Apart from that, we are i...

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